Our Staff



Position: Executive Director
Motivation: As the Executive Director of the Northside Residents Redevelopment Council, Martine's work is fueled by her desire to see her children, as adults,  living in this community, but an even better community than the one in which they were raised.
Email: msmaller@nrrc.org

Krista Lucas

Position: Admin/Outreach
Krista's passion for justice and belief in abundance drive her work to strengthen community connections and empower neighbors.
Email: klucas@nrrc.org

Our Board

The NRRC board is comprised of Willard Hay and Near North members committed to shaping their communities.  Throughout the NRRC zone there are 13 districts and each district may provide 2 representatives to serve on the board of directors with 3 at large seats available to persons with expertise in areas beneficial to the board. Board elections for even numbered and odd numbered districts alternate each year.

NRRC Board Member Areas

Board Meetings

Board meetings are held the third Mondays of every month at 6:30pm (in January, February, and June they will be held on the fourth Monday of the month due to holidays).

To join, enter link:


Or call in at:
+1 646 558 8656 and enter 892 5574 5182# and 494629# as prompted.

NRRC Bylaws and financial reports available upon request.