Homeowner Resources


Home Improvement Loans

Contact NRRC Financial to discuss low cost Home Improvement Options! Many funds are running low or are out at this time of year. But there still are options for lower income homeowners and energy related updates. Its also a great time to plan for 2024 projects!  The City of Minneapolis will re-open its loan offerings to households with income of 80% or less area median income in February 2024. There will also be loans available for energy efficiency, as well as point of sale rebates to electrify your home.

Contact NRRC Fi at Homeownership@nrrcfi.org,or 612-345-5565

Down Payment Assistance

There are many Down Payment Assistance Programs to help you purchase a home!   NRRC offers a loan for up to $10,000 to purchase a home in the Near North and Willard Hay neighborhoods.  Apply here!

Many other programs are available depending on your income, employment and location of the home you want to buy.   The Minnesota Homeownership Center keeps a current list of programs available.   To find out more about Down Payment Assistance or to enroll in homeownership counseling with NRRC, fill out our intake form or call 612-355-9753.